Bootstrap Theme Toggler


If you encounter issues with the implementation, follow these steps to diagnose and fix common problems:

1. Ensure Bootstrap and Script are included

  • Bootstrap: Make sure you have included Bootstrap 5.2 or later in your project. Bootstrap's CSS and JavaScript files are required for the dropdown functionality.

  • Bootstrap Theme Toggler: Make sure to include the library script after Bootstrap’s JavaScript.

2. Verify correct initialization

  • Run Method: Ensure that you call the method to initialize the theme toggler. This is necessary to create the dropdown and apply the theme settings.

3. Check $color-mode-type setting

  • Configuration Setting: Configuration Setting: Verify that the Bootstrap $color-mode-type variable is set to data, which is the default value. This ensures that the theme toggler is using data attributes to manage the theme.

4. Bootstrap Icons

  • If you want to use Bootstrap icons for a better visual experience, make sure they are properly included by adding the Bootstrap Icons CSS file to your project.

5. Check for JavaScript errors

  • Open your browser’s Developer Tools (usually F12 or right-click > Inspect Element) and navigate to the Console tab. Look for any JavaScript errors that may indicate problems with the script or its execution.

6. Inspect dropdown element

  • Element Presence: Confirm that the dropdown element with the ID bs-theme-toggler is present in the DOM. Use the browser’s Developer Tools to check if the dropdown is correctly appended to the specified container.

  • Dropdown Functionality: Ensure that the dropdown button is correctly triggering the dropdown menu. If not, double-check Bootstrap’s JavaScript inclusion and initialization.

7. LocalStorage check

  • Stored Theme: Verify that the useTheme key in localStorage is set correctly. You can check this in the browser’s Developer Tools under the Application tab > Local Storage.

  • Default Theme: Ensure that the script sets a default theme if none is stored. This should be system by default.

8. CSS and theme application

  • Ensure that the themes (light and dark) are correctly applied. This can be done by checking the data-bs-theme attribute on the <html> element. The correct theme should be applied according to the value set in this attribute.

9. Event listener issues

  • Event Delegation: Ensure that the event listener for the dropdown items is correctly added and working. This should handle clicks on the dropdown items and update the theme accordingly.


By following these steps, you should be able to troubleshoot and resolve common issues. If you continue to face problems, consider reaching out for further support or review the documentation for additional guidance.