
Welcome to the stack page, where I showcase the technologies and tools that power my development process. As a front-end developer, my stack is centered around creating seamless and engaging user experiences, but it also includes tools and languages that help me build robust and maintainable code.

Core Technologies

At the heart of my development stack are the foundational web technologies:

  • HTML (opens in a new tab): The backbone of all web pages, HTML provides the structure and content that make up the web. I use HTML to ensure that my pages are well-organized and accessible.
    Skill Level: 🟢 Senior

  • CSS (opens in a new tab): CSS is what brings design to life. I use it to style web pages, creating layouts that are not only visually appealing but also responsive and adaptable to different devices.
    Skill Level: 🟢 Senior

  • JavaScript (opens in a new tab): JavaScript allows me to add interactivity to websites. From simple form validations to complex single-page applications, JavaScript is essential for making the web dynamic and engaging.
    Skill Level: 🟡 Medior

  • PHP (opens in a new tab): On te back end, I utilize PHP to handle server-side logic, manage databases, and serve dynamic content. PHP helps bridge the gap between the front end and the server, enabling me to create full-featured web applications.
    Skill Level: 🟡 Medior

  • SQL (opens in a new tab): Proficient in SQL for designing schemas, writing queries, and managing relational data. This includes working with various databases such as MySQL, MS SQL Server, MariaDB, SQLite, and PostgreSQL.
    Skill Level: 🔵 Junior

Frameworks and Libraries

To streamline development and ensure code quality, I incorporate several frameworks and libraries into my stack:

  • React (opens in a new tab): For building user interfaces, React is my go-to library. Its component-based architecture allows for reusable code, making development faster and more efficient.
    Skill Level: 🔵 Junior

  • Bootstrap (opens in a new tab): To quickly build responsive, mobile-first websites, I use Bootstrap. It provides a wide array of pre-styled components that save time and ensure consistency.
    Skill Level: 🟢 Senior

  • Tailwind (opens in a new tab): For a utility-first approach to styling, I use Tailwind CSS. It allows me to build custom designs without leaving my HTML, speeding up development and ensuring a consistent design system.
    Skill Level: 🟡 Medior

  • jQuery (opens in a new tab): While not as prominent as it once was, jQuery still finds its place in my projects for simplifying DOM manipulation and AJAX calls.
    Skill Level: 🟡 Medior

Tools and Workflow

My development process is supported by a suite of tools that help with everything from code management to deployment:

  • Git (opens in a new tab): Version control is crucial for any developer. With Git, I can track changes, collaborate with others, and manage different versions of my code.
    Skill Level: 🟡 Medior

  • Node.js (opens in a new tab): For server-side JavaScript execution and building scalable network applications, Node.js is a key part of my stack. It enables me to run JavaScript on the server and manage various development tasks.
    Skill Level: 🟡 Medior

  • Webpack (opens in a new tab): For bundling assets and managing dependencies, Webpack is a powerful tool that optimizes my code for production.
    Skill Level: 🟡 Medior

  • SCSS (Sass) (opens in a new tab): SCSS is a preprocessor that allows me to write more maintainable and organized CSS. With features like variables, nesting, and mixins, it helps streamline my styling process and makes the code easier to manage in larger projects.
    Skill Level: 🟡 Medior

  • Next.js (opens in a new tab): For server-side rendering and static site generation with React, Next.js provides a powerful framework that enhances performance and SEO.
    Skill Level: 🔵 Junior

  • TypeScript (opens in a new tab): To add static typing to JavaScript and improve code quality, I use TypeScript. It helps catch errors early and makes code more maintainable.
    Skill Level: 🔵 Junior

  • WordPress (opens in a new tab): For content management and website building, I use WordPress, which provides a flexible and powerful platform for creating dynamic websites and blogs.
    Skill Level: 🟢 Senior

  • Docker (opens in a new tab): Docker simplifies containerization, allowing me to package applications and dependencies into containers that can run consistently across different environments.
    Skill Level: 🟡 Medior

  • npm (opens in a new tab): As the package manager for JavaScript, npm allows me to easily install and manage libraries and tools that enhance my development workflow.

  • Composer (opens in a new tab): For managing PHP dependencies and libraries, Composer is an essential tool that helps streamline development and ensure that projects have the right packages.

  • VS Code (opens in a new tab): My preferred code editor, Visual Studio Code, provides a rich development environment with extensions that cater to every aspect of web development.

Continuous Learning

Technology is always evolving, and so is my stack. I'm constantly exploring new tools and frameworks, staying up-to-date with the latest trends in web development. Whether it's learning a new JavaScript framework or experimenting with the latest CSS features, I'm always looking for ways to improve my stack and deliver better solutions.

This stack represents not just the tools I use, but the philosophy behind my approach to development: building efficient, maintainable, and scalable web applications that meet the needs of both clients and users.


„Technology is best when it helps us to become better people.“ – Albert Einstein